Demystifying Automated and Smart Homes

“Alexa, switch on my TV.” Nowadays, a lot of us control various devices in our homes using voice commands, applications, or laptops. This can be attributed to the advent of new-age technologies, PropTech, smartphones, and most importantly, the internet. Not only have these advanced gadgets made our life super convenient, but also trim down electricity bills, provide round the clock security and even cook food automatically! But since smart homes and automation technology are relatively new concepts, understanding them can become overwhelming. 

Here, we will break down the critical aspects of home automation technology and how it integrates different elements over the internet to perform various activities. 

By the end of this blog, you would be equipped with all the details pertaining to automated residences. So instead of asking Alexa to explain what smart homes are, you can ask it to add a bunch of smart devices to your cart!  

What are Smart Homes?

Residences where you can remotely control various appliances and devices through the internet are known as smart homes. These systems are connected with phones, laptops or other devices through apps or their separate interfaces, which are then operated over the internet. Changing the thermostat temperature, granting access to visitors through smart locks, mobile controlled blinds and curtains, and smart TV’s are some of the examples. 

Hence, by addressing safety, convenience and energy efficiency, smart home technology offers modern living with a sense of comfort and luxury. 

Are Automated Homes Similar to Smart Homes?

The terms ‘smart home’ and ‘automated home’ are often used interchangeably; however, there is a difference between the two. Let us understand this difference through an example. 

When you control and operate gadgets over the internet through handheld devices, they are known as smart appliances. For example, you have installed a Wi-Fi enabled surveillance camera in your home. So when you want to monitor a baby who’s sleeping in another room, you can press the button on the app and watch the video. This equates to a home with smart features. 

Now if this camera automatically detects movements, captures and sends images directly to your app, that would equate to an automated home. Hence, home automation works on the principles of smart homes. These systems are programmed to detect or schedule different events automatically. 

Smart Homes and their Relation with IoT

IoT or Internet of Things refers to physical systems that are generally not expected to have an internet connection, but are controlled over the internet. For example, a bulb, thermostat, watch, refrigerator, home gates, etc. So when these IoT enabled systems are interconnected, it is what makes an automated home.  

How does the Smart Home Automation Technology Work?

Automated or smart homes consist of a network of hardware, software, communication devices, and electronic interfaces that integrate different devices through the internet. This network relies on five main components:

InternetTo connect and operate devices
Communication ProtocolsTo send signals from one device to another using Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, ZigBee, KNX, Infrared, Bluetooth, etc. 
SensorsTo detect and monitor various changes 
Controllers [Handheld devices]To send commands and receive status
ActuatorsControls the mechanism of appliances like bulbs and door cameras 

All IoT-based devices have these components. So when these gadgets are connected to the internet, they receive commands through handheld devices and respond accordingly.

For example, you want to bake a cake in a Wi-Fi (communication protocol) enabled oven. For this, you will connect the Wi-Fi to the oven and a handheld device (controllers) like a phone. You will then pre-feed the settings on an app, press the start button and the cake will start baking. 

Where can this Technology be Used?

If we have to explain the concept of smart homes in a lucid way, then it is nothing but connecting, operating and monitoring all the functional elements of your home on handheld devices through the internet. Unlike a vehicle, where all parts have to be brought together to make it functional, you don’t need to rebuild your home from scratch to experience an intelligent living. 

If you want to keep your home secured round-the-clock, you can install surveillance and video door phone systems. If you want to trim down your electricity bills, you can install daylight and motion sensors. If you want to sprinkle water in your backyard at a specific time, you can equip your home with lawn irrigation systems. 

Hence, the applications of home automation technology are wide and can be used in multifarious areas like: 

Smart Homes

Examples of Automated and Smart Homes Technologies

With the incorporation of IoT in real estate, an array of products and systems have been developed which cater to the needs of different types of properties. Enlisted are some of the examples of how automated and smart homes technology is transforming the real estate industry of India and across the world. 

  • Video door phones for residential complexes

Along with digital door locks, these systems are equipped with surveillance cameras, visitor management software, audio and video intercoms, etc. 

  • Smart televisions sets

You can change the settings, watch on-demand movies, Google queries through in-built mics or Google assistant, and stream music to speakers across the apartment through apps or smart remotes. 

  • Motion sensors 

These sensors can either be used for home surveillance or for energy conservation. For example, electronic appliances like AC’s will be activated or deactivated when you walk in or out of the room. Similarly, you will receive alerts on your smartphone if any motion is detected in your home while you are away. 

  • New-age Kitchens 

From putting refrigerators on vacation mode to remotely checking the status of the cake baking in the oven, there are a plethora of ways in which you can use your kitchen essentials. In fact, appliances like smart dishwashers will notify you once the dishwasher has completed a cycle. 

  • Motorized gate automation systems for cars

This allows you to open and close the gates the moment you enter or leave the parking space.

  • Dynamic display panels

These screens come with customized buttons through which you can control thermostat temperatures, lighting and fan speeds, music, curtains, HVAC systems, etc.  

What are the Benefits of this Technology?

Through the aforementioned points, you must have got an overview of how smart home automation technology works and how it is transforming the real estate sector. Now, we will take a quick look at some of the major advantages of living in smart homes: 

1. Convenience and Security

As long as you have access to handheld devices and the internet, you can easily operate electronic appliances, lighting and heating systems in your homes. From video door phones and Wi-Fi-enabled smoke detectors to motion sensors and motorized gates, smart homes — with their super-efficient notification systems, makes your home secure on all fronts. 

2. Save on Energy Bills

If making your home “green” while saving on energy bills is what you want, then equipping your residences with IoT-enabled technology is the most viable choice. Since you will be able to switch off the appliances and equipment with a click, it will eliminate the power consumption, thereby reducing your electricity bills. 

3. Utilization Insights

Smart homes equipped with state-of-the-art technologies helps you in evaluating the data gathered from different activities. For example, you can monitor the time you watch TV or the duration for which you use heaters. This will help you make necessary adjustments in your electricity consumption habits, thereby enhancing your lifestyle. 

4. Value Appreciation

Upgrading your home with new-age technologies brings a “wow” factor to your property. Amenities such as automatic blinds and garage doors, round-the-clock security systems, and underfloor heating control will appreciate the value of your property. So when you will put your property on sale, you are very likely to get higher return on investments! 

5. Relaxed Mind

With various systems installed and accessible on tablets, phones and laptops, you can fully run your home from anywhere. You can also check in with an elderly person whom you are taking care of with video monitoring. Or if you forgot whether you switched off the lightings when you left, you can verify with an app. This is what makes investing in smart homes a wise decision. 

What are the Risks Associated with Smart Homes?

Living in automated apartments can be a great way of facilitating a comfortable life. However, there are also some cost, technology and maintenance issues associated with smart homes, which we have listed below:  

1. Installation Costs

Depending on the type and quality of the system, the initial installation costs can be high. Plus, if you want to get the smart devices installed through a contractor, it may add more expenses. 

2. Internet Connectivity

One of the major issues associated with smart homes is its high dependency on the internet. Although most of the advanced appliances have backups that enable them to keep working during an internet outrage, their high-end features may not work until the internet is restored. 

Also, if you don’t have a reliable internet connection, you might face serious issues in controlling the systems from your office or remotely.   

3. Compatibility and Complexity

Not all gadgets are compatible with your handheld devices. You may have to upgrade your systems or install some softwares to operate these IoT based equipment. In addition to this, you must consider how far you really want to take home automation. Because some technologies might be complex to operate. 

4. Power Surges

Technology-enabled devices are interconnected with other household applications. So if your apartment is not adequately protected against power surges, it may increase the chances of electrical failures and in the worst case, your house may catch fire.

5. Ever-evolving Technology

If there is one sector that is rapidly growing, it is the machine learning and artificial intelligence industry. Therefore, if you install smart gadgets in your house right now, you may have to make adjustments to the installed systems or replace them with new ones. 

List of Companies and their Smart Appliances

Tabulated below are some of the companies and their gadgets which truly makes residences smart homes. 

CompanySmart Appliances
LGThinQ technology in refrigerators, laundry systems, ovens, etc.  
PhilipsSmart Hue Bulbs 
CrabtreeModular Automation Switches
AmazonEcho Flex
LegrandConnected Door Phones

Note: This is not an exhaustive product listing

Potential Future of Smart Homes

Recent upheaval in the innovation of generative AI models and machine learning models opens a window for new gadgets and technologies that can be integrated into smart homes, these technologies will take currently existing smart home solutions to their next phase.

AI-powered smart homes

Integration of AI like large language models and ML models will make operations in the home more intuitive and personalized, for example, smart sensors like smart thermostats will be able to learn our daily routines and adjust the temperature accordingly, also similarly human-like natural speech processors using generative AI would take virtual assistants like Alexa to next level, these smart assistant would manage all the smart apparatus in the home like smart lights, robots like robot vacuum cleaners, dishwasher, and washing machine. These AI would be able to manage and orchestrate schedules.

Enhanced  Security with Next generation security Apparatus

Technologies like advanced biometric sensors, and smart security cameras with inbuilt sensors like infrared and AI models to predict behavioral patterns would create the next generation of intrusion detection systems, this system could issue alerts and take appropriate actions in real time with decisions made from the aggregation of real-time data.

Moreover, the emergence of new Smart locks, Smart surveillance, and AI-powered security guardrails would give rise to overall industry standards for smart homes.

These smart security apparatuses will be able to have remote sensing capabilities, allowing homeowners to control locks and guardrails remotely, additionally, owners can issue different kinds of security policies.

Smart health Apparatus

Smartwatches and handheld health gadgets provide a glimpse into the future of smart homes with the integration of health-focused technologies.

There is the potential of plugging environment controllers of smart homes like smart thermostats, smart heat pumps, and smart air conditioners into centralized  AI, These AI would run advanced home automation routines that would contain adjustments of home climate to suit the health target of home Occupants, These adjustments would be like changing air quality, room temperature, and humidity.

Also, there is the prospect of getting smart exercise assists in the gym, these gadgets would optimize the gym equipment automatically by calibrating resistance and load in gym equipment to achieve the target health profile of residents.

Sustainable smart homes

Technologies such as virtual power plants, that allow the aggregation of different renewable energy sources into a centralized power grid, open possibilities of integrating smart efficient energy solutions into future smart homes.

With raising awareness regarding the importance of reducing carbon footprint and reducing energy consumption, the prospect of using green energy technologies in smart homes seems promising.

As discussed in the aforementioned points, smart homes offer versatile options and tremendous advantages over other residences. With just a click, you can operate and control multiple types of equipment from anywhere! Plus, when your home is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, the property value is bound to appreciate. However, to make a profound decision, you need to weigh down the pros and cons of home automation technologies. In addition to this, you need to ensure that internet connectivity is excellent and your home is protected against power surges. 

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